Upcoming events:


Updated soon.....



Dear Parents / Guardians,


The above list of events has been published for review only, lots of planning must first be done before a Foróige club can attend any of these, things like, costing/funding, insurance, permission forms, bus's where needed, leaders availability and so on, this is repeated for every trip we go on. Foróige members safety and wellbeing is a number one priority at all times.


We, Louisburgh Foróige, are fully aware of the cost's involved in bringing up teenagers and we always try to keep the cost, to our members, of all trips & events we go on to a minimum, from time to time we even arrange fund-raisers to part fund these.


If you need the cost of a trip or event spread out over a number of weeks, that's fine, we are happy to arrange this for you, just pay what you can, when you can, maybe you are having trouble meeting the cost of a Foróige trip or event altogether, well, that's fine too, just come in and chat to one of our leaders, this happens more often than you might think so you're not alone, we're here to help and we don't let silly things like money get in the way of ALL our members enjoying Foróige.


All contact between leaders & Parent/Guardian's is 100% confidential.


Yours sincerely


John, Brige, Shona, Sinead & Michael, Senior club leaders @ Louisburgh Foróige.




Important info regarding Foróige youth Disco's:


Info for, teen, Foróige club members:


With regard to any Disco's listed above, in order for a Foróige club to attend a Disco, they first need to secure an invite from the hosting club. Clubs often have limited space and therefore will only invite clubs closest to them first. This is Foróige policy.


Info for Parents/Guardians:


All Foróige led youth/teen Disco's are strictly alcohol free and all Foróige inter club Discos are supervised on a ratio of one adult for every eight teens in the building, these rules are Foróige policy and both are strictly enforced by the Regional Youth Officer (RYO) and the local Foróige District Council from within each area. All Foróige hosting venues have fully trained First Aid on site, with direct access to ether a public service or Order of Malta Ambulance service, should it be required. As with life in general, no event is guaranteed 100% safe, but we can guarantee you, a Foróige youth/teen Disco is one of the safest Discos your child(ren) can attend.


Info for club Leaders:


If a club wish to host a Foróige Disco they will need to apply, for a date, to the Mayo Foróige District Council first. District Council meetings take place, normally, on the first Monday of each month within the school year.