Our Message:
"Foróige is a fabulous youth organization and we'd really love it if you would come volunteer with us. Below is a more detailed item of event that must be completed when you become part of Foróige as an adult voluntary leader. When you see it all written down it can seem very daunting and you will find yourself asking the question, is it all worth it?
Demand for Foróige services in Louisburgh is now at the highest level it has ever been, giving young people a safe place to meet up, hang out and have a good time makes it all worth it but Foróige has so much more to offer young people and it's only when you witness this from within a club you really see the benefits of it.
We'll work with you to complete the steps below.
Everyone is welcome:
This is not a closed club or secret society and we can never have enough wonderful male and female volunteer adult leaders, so if you would like to become part of our Foroige family here in Louisburgh and you have 1.5 hours a month (or more) free then please get in touch. Contact us today or why not just send us a one line email, I'm interested in joining and we will start the ball rolling for you.
Why not pop in any Foróige Tuesday evening, we'd be delighted to show you around and explain everything we do.
Volunteering in Foróige:
Volunteerism is essential to Foróige. It is through volunteerism that Foróige is able to involve so many young people. Volunteer participation is needed and encouraged at all
levels, including in leadership of the organisation, work with young people and in other roles. We value volunteerism for its unique benefits including the example it shows to young people, how it builds stronger communities and the many different perspectives and sets of skills it brings to Foróige. We intend that universal (for the general youth population) youth provision in Foróige is volunteer led with support from staff. In youth projects for vulnerable young people, there is usually a closer working relationship between volunteers and staff to meet the needs of the young people. While this page is about adult volunteering, Foróige strongly supports volunteer action by young people (under 18) through age appropriate programmes e.g. Citizenship or Leadership; and structures e.g. committees and participation structures.
The main thing to consider before joining Louisburgh Foróige:
"You can't start straight away"
Garda Vetting; Some see the recent changes in the law as a huge stumbling block, others see this as added protection for members within a club full of young people. Anyone entering Foróige after the 29th of May 2016 must complete the new Foróige Garda Vetting process. This process is very simple to complete, you just give two forms of ID and fill out a very short form giving Foróige permission to vet you, we send these forms to Foróige HQ in Dublin, you will then receive a link via email, this link will take you to the Garda Online Vetting division and you finish off the process online yourself, a very simple process and the whole thing only takes a few days.
All Foróige volunteers have always needed to complete Garda Vetting but the main change introduced on May 29th 2016 means all leaders must NOW be Garda Vetted before they can be permitted access to our club. Prior to May 29th, potential leaders were given a few weeks within clubs to see what happens in Foróige before they were asked to complete the vetting process.
Training and Development:
"We'll work with you to complete the following steps"
Foróige seeks to ensure all volunteers in the organisation feel equipped for their role, and have opportunities to develop their skills; with benefits for Foróige and the volunteer’s personal development. Training is an important part of this.
Level One
Volunteers are expected to attend Level One and child protection training so as to have the necessary information and skills for the role. Special arrangements may be made where the role does not involve contact with young people.
Ongoing training
Those working with young people should attend other courses such as Leader training levels 2, 3 and 4 or other courses as they become available. Foróige may also design specific courses based on needs identified by volunteers or staff.
Foróige encourages volunteers to progress in the organisation as they grow in experience, knowledge and skill. This may involve opportunity to try a new role or take on more responsibility. Foróige will support this with training as needed.
Support and Recognition:
Contact person
Each volunteer will have a designated member of staff or volunteer, who may be called a “Contact Person”, to guide and advise them in their role and will have regular access to that person. Support will be tailored to the role.
Unfortunately we are not in a position to pay expenses in many roles and the volunteer should consider this before taking on the role. Where expenses are paid, it is with the agreement in advance of the club, project or local or national governance structure commissioning the work. Expenses are subject to the production of receipts. Child care and loss of earnings are not covered.
Volunteers should receive appropriate recognition for their volunteering. This will be done in line with best practice and detailed in “Volunteer Recognition in Foróige”, which will be available on the staff and volunteer portal. Foróige actively supports recognition by other volunteers, young people, parents and staff.
More Info
Foroige offers great opportunities for local and community involvement. Come meet new people in a nationwide organization. To find out more about volunteering at Louisburgh Foroige then feel free to contact us and we will be delighted to show you in more detail the great benefits of volunteering with us.