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Please visit our other social media pages linked below. Our Periscope is @LouisburghForoige and our Snapchat is 'LBforoige'


Our SnapChat is 'LBforoige' @LouisburghForoige







Volunteer @ Louisburgh Foróige.


Louisburgh Foróige depend on the help of local volunteers, without the help, there is no Foróige in Louisburgh.


For more info, click here.


About Louisburgh Foróige Club.

Click here






Download Section.


When requested, please visit the download section of our website to download the latest parent / guardian permission forms.


Click here to visit our download section.




More leaders/volunteers urgently needed, can you help our club?


Full training and support is available, you'll form part of a very experienced team. Starting out, you can have as much or as little

interaction with the members as you are comfortable with. We'll support you every step of the way.


We would be looking for about 90 minutes a week of your time over the school term. About 33-36 weeks per year.


Garda vetting with two references is mandatory and we'll help you with this too.






(Check out the leaders section below. This will provide you with lots more information about the role)




Louisburgh Foróige parental information page:



It is always a good idea to hit the refresh button every time you visit this page to insure you are viewing the

most up to date information available.





Clubs and leaders;





Important updates for parents/guardians.

PLEASE read all the info below very carefully before contacting our leaders.


Members must be actively participating and attending club regularly to be considered attend the Foróige Disco's or Festival's.

(Missing three club meetings in a single term will be seen as a breach or this statement. See below.)








Club policy updates;



If you miss three club nights (in a single term) then you will be leaving club

and rejoining the waiting list:




Members must be actively participating and attending club regularly to be considered attend "ANY" Foróige Disco or Festival.


Our definitions;


Actively participating; You are actively involved in the club, you join in, you don't disrupt the meetings, you are a good Foróige member.


Attending club regularly; You must be attending club regularly. If you miss three club nights (in a single term) then you will be leaving club and rejoining the waiting list. Most terms have blocks of about 6-7 weeks in each and if members are absent for 3 of these they could be missing 50% of club and this will be viewed as NOT attending club regular and if you are not attending club regularly then your place will be offered to someone else.


This policy applies to all weeks within a term, example, if you return a form and payment but 'still' miss a total of three club nights between the time after the form been returned but before the Disco or Festival takes place then this is also a breach of this policy, in this incidence you will miss that Disco or festival with NO refund of payments available as we will have booked and paid for Disco/Travel based on the number of forms returned by the deadline.


This does apply to all members in all clubs.



The two agreed exceptions:


1. Extraordinary medical condition.

2. The bereavement of a relative / family member or close friend.





The above policy is not new, we have always operated a "miss three night rule" in club and this was openly specified with the form you signed at time of enrolment, the new committee has just ratified some amendments to the existing policy to make it more straight forward and transparent. The aim of this newly amended policy is to encourage more club participation on a regular basis and not just view our club as a disco club.


If your child or a child you are responsible for chooses not to attend Foróige or participate in club for whatever reason on a regular basis then we take no offence or hold no grievance with you or with this decision, we can't force any person to attend club if they willingly choose not to, just the same as when your child or a child you are responsible for is not permitted attend Foróige Disco's or festivals for breach of the above policy then we hope you can also afford us the same level of courtesy and do not take personal offence or hold a grievance with us or our club.


The amended policy is there for all members and it will be strictly enforced going forward. We are not a Disco or festival club, we are a Foróige Club.



Enforcement of deadlines for returning permission forms:


The Policy;


Once a deadline for returning event permission forms is issued to parents / guardians / members these deadlines will be enforced without exception.


Our promise to you;


No less than two club nights notice will be given between issue of form and return deadline.


Some points to consider;


The forms are online and you may not have a printer: This happens, we have a club printer solely for club use so permission forms are widely available, free of charge to all members as and when they are needed, however, the fact you don't have a printer, should not delay the return of the form within the given deadline. This is why we allow two week minimum to allow you the opportunity to request a form on week one and return it the following week.


Q. You missed the deadline for returning the form, can your child still go to that, Disco, outing or event: A. NO, once deadline has passed, this event is then closed.




Mobile Phones in club;



. **** Mobile phones in club ****


This is not a new rule, this is just a reminder:


Members are NOT permitted to use mobile phones within club times. Under this rule, our club and it's leaders are NOT

responsible for any damage or loss caused to mobile phones within club.


If members are expecting a call or needs to make a call, as always, all they need to do is make our leaders aware of this. Foróige by default is a social outlet where

all teens and young people are encouraged to interact with each other in person and we have always tried to enforce this value in club..



Thank you.




Come join our team, Call-text-whatsApp-viber Michael on (086)7351523 for more info. Please help!!




Prompt collection after each club is vital to the smooth running of our club, delays in collecting children on-time results in leaders been taken away from regular Foróige duties and delays everyone.




It is the motto of Foróige Ireland to follow the "empowering youth" ethos.


We do our best to keep all parents and guardians up to speed on upcoming events but emphasis is also placed on our members to deliver them messages home regarding upcoming events and info on things like times, locations and dates.


Everything gets discussed in great detail within the club and we now have a number of social media platforms we now use to deliver group messages to our members. We have multiple leaders also included in these group messages for child protection and clarity of what gets discussed.


Parents/guardians are always asked to also visit this section of our website regularly to seek info on upcoming events.





Main Rules regarding Foróige youth Disco's:


All Foróige led youth/teen Disco's are strictly alcohol free and all Foróige inter club Discos are supervised on a ratio of one adult for every eight teens in the building, these rules are Foróige policy and both are strictly enforced by the Regional Youth Officer (RYO) and the local Foróige District Council from within each area. All Foróige hosting venues have fully trained First Aid on site, with direct access to ether a public service or Order of Malta Ambulance service, should it be required. As with life in general, no event is guaranteed 100% safe, but we can guarantee you, a Foróige youth/teen Disco is one of the safest Discos your child(ren) can attend.




New laws regarding parents helping out:


For as long as Foróige has been in existence in Louisburgh we have always run a parent rota to help with the weekly supervision of our club. However, due to changes in the Foróige Garda Vetting rules we can no longer run a rota where adults come in un-vetted to our club. Where we welcome these changes that do heighten child protection and safety we still need the extra help on a weekly basis. So now more than ever we need adult volunteers to step up and help us out on a more permanent (1.5 hours a week) basis. See our volunteer page for more details, click here for more info.



Drugs & Alcohol info for Parents.


If you are a parent, family member or guardian who is concerned about a young person’s pattern of alcohol use, then this website is for you.


Visit the website here. is the #1 most-visited website in the world today for children's health and development. The link below will take you to the Parents area.


Visit the Kids Health website here.


Reach Out for Parents. is an online mental health service that helps both parents and young people through tough times.


Visit the Reach Out Ireland website here.






Dear Parent / Guardian,

Louisburgh Foróige Club is one of hundreds of Foróige clubs throughout the country supporting thousands of teenagers to be the best they can be. Foróige offers young people opportunities to run the clubs themselves in cooperation with their adult leaders. Our club is led by trained volunteer adults, whose generosity makes it possible for your child to have this club.


Through Louisburgh Foróige, young people can become more self confident and self reliant, develop their views beliefs and values, make friends and have fun, contribute to the development of the community; learn to accept and exercise responsibility and enjoy a great, safe social outlet. Foróige is Ireland’s leading youth organization, involving over 50,000 young people and 5,500 adult volunteers, supported by professional staff. For more see the Foróige Ireland website on


For your Child’s Protection and Safety:

The National Council of Foróige believes that the protection and welfare of children and young people is of paramount importance. It is the policy of the National Council of Foróige that the organization’s staff and adult leaders take all reasonable care to ensure that all children and young people involved in its services are protected from abuse of any kind. This policy is grounded in Foróige’s philosophy which outlines the importance of young people being treated with respect, listened to and having their views taken into consideration.

As with all Foróige clubs, Louisburgh Foróige volunteer leaders, are reference checked; Garda vetted and receive appropriate training on an ongoing basis. Foróige has policies covering a number of areas and procedures which ALL adult leaders are expected to follow including: Child Protection, Code of Good Practice in Working With Young People, Computer and Internet use, Recruitment and Selection of Volunteers, Safety on Trips Away, Interclub Event Guidelines, Tobacco Alcohol and Drugs, and Insurance.



Social Media:


Louisburgh Foróige uses a vast range of social media websites. We are a big promoter of the 'correct use' of social media and we follow a strict code of conduct regarding same. We currently use 12 of the top 15 social media websites in the world today. We don't know everything but we do try and keep up to date with every site we use. If you have questions about our use, or have questions about your Childs use of social media sites, come in and we'd be delighted to chat to you about this.


Parents Responsibility:

The Club normally operates on Tuesday evenings beginning at 8pm and ending at 9:30pm (depending which club your child is registered) in Louisburgh Town Hall. If we have extra meetings or change nights we will let you know. The leader’s responsibility begins and ends at these times. You are responsible before and after. Please do not drop your child off before the specified time for your group, and ensure they do not remain after the club ends. The meeting place will not open until there are enough volunteers to take care of members.


At times we may need extra help in the club, such as supervising meetings or on trips away. We look forward to your cooperation.



In the event of a young person needing to take medication, (e.g. headache/ hay fever or prescribed medication)

A. An Adult Leader must be informed in advance of the use of this medication.

B. No young person should be in possession of any more medication than is required for the duration of the activity.

C. The Adult Leaders will not be responsible for the administration of these medications.



Trips away:

If the club is holding trips outside the normal club times, for example a visit to another Foróige club, you will be asked to sign a Permission Form and given information. If you are unsure check with a leader.


Important Points to Remember:

1. If your child(ren) cannot attend the Foróige Club for any reason please inform one of the leaders.

2. If your child(ren) is frequently absent from the Foróige Club, is arriving late or leaving early; we may get in contact with you to check that everything is OK

3. As a parent/guardian we would like you to be as involved in the club as much as you can. We are all volunteers and you are welcome to call down or consider joining us.


4. Regarding club rules agreed by our Louisburgh Foróige club leaders, your child, in the eyes of our Foróige club, is no different from any other child in our club and therefore will not or can not receive any special privileges regardless of the circumstances. Every child is unique but our in house club rules do apply to everyone in the best interest of all our members and our club leaders who are there to enforce them.



Concerns or questions:


Have a concern or just need more info, then please visit our contact us page for lots of ways you can contact our club/leaders.