1960's, Louisburgh Foróige.
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Macra na Tuaithe 1965.
In 1965, Louisburgh Macra na Tuaithe, now known as Foróige, won the "Best Club In Ireland" award, beating off 44 other clubs from all over Ireland.
Photo from the Irish Independent.
March 19th 1966.
Foróige needs your help.
We have gone to great lengths to harvest the history of our club but we can only do so much on our own. If you have something to share, please contact us.
Email loisburghforoige@yahoo.ie
We have published the below information "as we received it", some of the dates/details below are subject to change if new information becomes available.
1960's, what we know so far:
No records currently available. Can you help?
No records currently available. Can you help?
On the 28th of July, Ann O'Malley, Chapel Street Louisburgh and Ann Sweeney, The Square Louisburgh, travelled to Meath, to a Macra na Tuaithe (Foroige) seminar. Was this to set up Louisburgh's first ever Macra na Tuaithe? We are currently unsure.
No records currently available. Can you help?
In September, a new committee was elected to run the 64/65 Louisburgh Foróige year. Officers elected were; Chairperson, Ml Philbin; Secretary, Sean MvEvilly; Treasurer, Sean O'Tool; PRO, Padraig O'Donnell.
Louisburgh Macra na Tuaithe, (Foróige), pictured above, won the "Best Club In Ireland" award, beating off 34 other clubs from all over Ireland. Photo from the Irish Independent.
In April, the club undertook the massive task of doing a Louisburgh census. They set about visiting every house in the area to gather this information. Where is this information now, do you have it?
At the February monthly meeting, Maura O'Malley and Mary McEvilly reported on a recent outing to An Grianan. Donal O'Leary spoke to the members of the importance of a balanced diet. Arrangements were made to send members to a club training event in the Travellers Friend in Castlebar.
At the March Monthly meeting, items for discussion were, the need for the club to lead the community in tackling litter in the Town, the export of fish, and Donal O'Leary was wished well with his upcoming TV appearance on Teen Talk, on RTE1.
Louisburgh wins again. For the second year in succession, Louisburgh Macra na Tuaithe, (Foróige) win best club in Ireland.
Pictured above, Balla visit Louisburgh in March for a social evening. A great night was enjoyed by all.
In August Louisburgh Macra na Tuaithe, (Foróige), took part in the Louisburgh Argi Show with many hand made items on display on the day.
In September, a new committee was elected to run the 67/68 Louisburgh Foróige year. Officers elected were; Chairperson, Padraig O'Malley; Secretary, Eileen MvEvilly; Treasurer, Ann Keane; PRO, Breta O'Reilly.
No records currently available. Can you help?
In September, a new committee was elected to run the 69/70 Louisburgh Foróige year. Officers elected were; Chairperson, John O'Brien; Secretary, Catherine Keane; Treasurer, John O'Dowd; PRO, Brendan Bredley.
Can you help?
We would love to hear any info you have on Foróige over the years in Louisburgh. Please Contact Us with regard to anything you can add will be greatly received.